What is BOUNCED?
BOUNCED is a web-based system for playing Diplomacy. It keeps track of
multiple users and games. It allows the users to play games against each other
providing interfaces for judging, mapping, and press. It attempts to
duplicate all of the functionality of PBEM Diplomacy games while providing a
nice user interface and a coherent database.
BOUNCED stands for "Basic On-line Utility for Networked Computerized
Electronic Diplomacy" and, yes, the name is redundant in many ways.
What is Diplomacy?
Diplomacy is a strategy board game originally developed by Allan
Calhamer and first released in the late 1950s. The rights to
the game are currently owned by Hasbro. There is far too much
to the game to be described here. Hasbro has kindly put the rules for the
board game on the web.
For more information, we recommend you visit
The Diplomatic Pouch which has a nice
introduction to the game.
Who runs this website?
BOUNCED was created and is currently run by
Christian R. Shelton. You may reach him at
help@dipbounced.com. All
comments and questions should be addressed to him.
How can I play?
You must have a BOUNCED account. Currently, these are free and take
approximately 30 seconds to create. You need only an e-mail address where
you can be contacted. To gain a BOUNCED account, register at the
registration page.
(c)1999-2020. Christian R. Shelton. All rights reserved.